Refinance and save

Refinance & find new ways to save

When it comes to refinancing, HoLo loves saving clients a bit of dough.

Lower your interest rate, bundle some debts, reduce your repayments or simply to get a better lender experience; HoLo has you covered.

Whatever your reason, refinancing is about more than just finding some loose change (you could end up saving HEAPS).

It’s much better in your pocket than the bank’s coffers, right?

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HoLo has you covered…


Get a better interest rate

With interest rates at their highest in a generation, now might be the best time to refinance to a better deal and reap the rewards.


Lower your repayments

More money in your account each month is always a good thing. Thankfully there’s a range of options to achieve this.

Bundle any debts

By bundling debts you may open yourself up to both significant savings and simpler banking.

Access your equity

Use that extra equity that you’ve built up after years of paying down your loan. Maybe some renovations, or even some investing.


See how much HoLo could save you

There’s no point making any assumptions when we’re talking about loans, which is why we’ve built a range of handy calculators so you can see how much you might be able to save! Better still, talk to one of our friendly humans who can give you a sense of what you could achieve and how soon you could achieve it. 

HoLo hacks for getting a better deal

Let’s chat

If you’d like to talk to one of the brokers, schedule a free, no obligation call.


why Holo?

The smart choice
for refinancing

The best deal (for you)

Everyone knows the best rates aren’t always advertised. It’s HoLo’s job to get you access to these deals. So don’t settle for a rate you saw on the evening news!

Ready when you are

Unlike a bank, Team HoLo is an agile bunch.

So if you need finance in a flash, just let us know your deadline and we'll get it sorted.

We listen first and foremost

HoLo understands that no one's situation is exactly the same. That's why HoLo has over 35 lenders to choose from to ensure you get the best solution to fit your needs.


We love happy clients

“Thank you so much for all the work you have put into getting much better rates. We can not thank you enough.”

Mike & Josephine

The proof is in the pudding (… or the savings)

Check out some of the recent wins from the team at HoLo!


$695 saved monthly
over the first year

0.74% p.a. ↓

$234,422 saved
over the life of the loan

3.10% p.a. ↓

$6,201 saved
over the first year

1.84% p.a. ↓