What happens to your loan when the RBA makes a rate cut?
When the Reserve Bank of Australia announces that they are reducing the Cash Rate, it sets off a chain reaction of transactions, generally led by the RBA itself.
Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding Rules
From 1 January 2025 the ATO’s Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding (FRCGW) rules changed for both buyers and sellers. Here’s what you need to know.
How to access the equity in your home
If you're planning a renovation you're likely to be looking to increase your property's value. So understanding how to use your equity to do this, and how to access it, may be essential to the success of your plans.
Beware of Clickbait Home Loan Offers
If you’re an owner-occupier planning to move up the property ladder, you’ve likely seen eye-catching ads promising “the lowest rates” or “huge savings” on home loans. While these offers may sound enticing, they often come with hidden catches that could leave you worse off financially.
The Steps to Home Loan Pre-approval
Saving heaps of time by knowing in advance exactly what you can afford is one of the most common bits of sage advice HoLo clients would pass on to house hunters who are starting (or even already into) their journey.
Stamp Duty Explained
But what exactly is Stamp Duty and why do you have to pay it? What discounts or waivers are there where you want to buy, and are you eligible for any of them?
Why First Home Buyers Should Get Pre-approved Early in Their Buying Journey
HoLo breaks down why securing pre-approval should be one of your top priorities and how it can make your home-buying journey smoother and less stressful.
9 home-buying costs you need to know about.
What does it really cost to buy a home? The true cost of buying a home often goes well beyond the purchase price, so it’s vital to know how much you will actually be up for when the SOLD sticker goes on. Take a look at these nine home-buying costs you may not have thought of.
How To Select The Right Home Loan Broker: 7 questions should be asking
Let’s face it; getting a home loan will never exactly be a fun experience. It can, however, be a stressful one. If your chosen adviser can’t guide you seamlessly through the process or shield you from lender administration hassles, it’s likely to be a more painful process than it should be.
6 Costs to Consider When Setting a Renovation Budget
Thinking about mastering your renovation? Here are six of the key cost drivers to consider.
Why Use A Mortgage Broker To Refinance?
If you’re considering simply going to your bank to refinance, you may be asking yourself why. Let’s break it down.
How much does it cost to refinance a home loan?
So you’re thinking of refinancing? If so, then be aware: there may be costs involved in switching banks. Remember to weigh up these costs against the long-term benefits when considering refinancing.
How the Home Loan application process works
So you’re planning a property purchase - maybe even your first (yay!) - but you’re unsure how the loan application works? Then relax! Here’s your step-by-step guide to getting a home loan that suits your specific situation and goals.
Why smaller is often better
Is bigger better? Not always, particularly when it comes to customer service. In the end, it's how a lender responds that makes all the difference. We share two recent very different lender & customer experiences.
5 things we consider when shopping for a better rate for you
We love to haggle. It’s in our DNA. So with interest rates on the move, our team sat down to discuss a few things we consider when searching for a better rate for our clients. It’s always a good idea to be aware of these pitfalls when doing your research.
The convenience of conveyancers
When buying or selling property, it’s important to enlist the help of a conveyancer or property lawyer early. Here we explain what they do and why you need one right from the beginning.
WTF is…. LVR & DTI?
Getting your head around their ‘bank speak’ can be a little tricky. In fact, it can sound like a whooooole other language. Let us do little ‘banksplaining’ for you.
Fixed Interest Rates. The Pros & the Cons
Fixed interest rates - we’ve heard a lot about them lately in the media. So what exactly is a fixed interest rate?
How good is your credit file looking?
If you haven’t really thought about your credit file for a while but you’re hoping to buy property or change banks soon, then tune in.
The future is digital, but stick to the hard stuff for now
Digital ID’s are fantastic… most of the time. But there is one good reason why the old-fashioned plastic is still pretty good.