How does a bloody offset account work?
No, Lara hasn’t just turned to finance! But it is one of the questions that we’re most commonly asked. So here's the lowdown for you....
If not the Big 4, then who?
The Big 4 banks . After what was revealed about them in the Royal Commission the shine has totally gone off them. But who else is out there? We compare the best of the rest.
Equity. What is it and how to calculate it?
Equity is cool. The more equity to have the richer you are! It’s not some mythical thing, but it can grow magically without you knowing. It can also magically reduce without you knowing as well!
HoLo understands business owners
The fact is, banks treat business owners differently. They think you’re a bit too complex; they think you’re a bit more risky; and you take too much of their time to consider your loan. In short, they sometimes just put you in the too-hard basket.